For example: Agilent E4440A or Anritsu 68369
E4991A RF Impedance/Material Analyzer


Manufactured by: Keysight / Agilent

Category:RCL Measurement Instruments

Keysight / Agilent E4991A - RCL Measurement Instruments

Keysight / Agilent E4991A Overview

The E4991A RF impedance/material analyzer offers ultimate impedance measurement performance and powerful built in analysis function. It will provide innovations in R&D of components and circuit designers who evaluate components in the range of 3 GHz. The E4991A uses an RF-IV technique, as opposed to the reflection measurement technique, for more accurate impedance measurement over wide impedance range. Basic impedance accuracy is +/-0.8%. High Q accuracy enables low-loss component analysis. The internal synthesizer sweeps frequency from 1 MHz to 3 GHz with 1 mHz resolution.

Material Evaluation

The E4991A provides the total dielectric/magnetic material measurement solutions in wide frequency range (1 MHz to 1 GHz).

On-Wafer Measurement

The E4991A-010, Probe Station Connection Kit, enables us to easily connect the Agilent E4991A to a RF probe system from Cascade Microtech for making on-wafer impedance measurements.

Temperature Characteristic Evaluation

The temperature characteristic test kit, the E4991A-007, is a new solution of temperature characteristic measurement for components and materials. This option provides highly accurate temperature characteristic analysis capability within the wide temperature range from - 55°C to + 150°C with a powerful temperature drift compensation function.

Basic Accuracy

  • +/- 0.8 % basic accuracy

Sweep Parameters

  • Frequency: 1 MHz to 3 GHz
  • Oscillator level: Up to 1 dBm/0.5 Vrms/10 mArms
  • DC bias level (Option E4991A-001): +/- 40V or +/- 50 mA

More Features

  • Windows-styled user interface
  • Built-in VBA programming function
  • Data transfer through LAN interface

Versatile Measurement Options

  • Dielectric/magnetic material measurement (Option E4991A-002)
  • Reliable on-wafer measurement (Option E4991A-010)
  • Temperature characteristic measurement (Option E4991A-007)

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