For example: Agilent E4440A or Anritsu 68369
MXE EMI Receiver


Manufactured by: Keysight / Agilent

Category:EMI Receivers / EMC Analyzers

Keysight / Agilent N9038A - EMI Receivers / EMC Analyzers

Keysight / Agilent N9038A Overview

When you’re testing a new product, the designers are counting on your expertise and advice. That’s why the Agilent MXE is more than a CISPR-compliant EMI receiver—we’ve also included X-Series signal analysis and graphical measurement tools that make it easy to examine signal details. With these diagnostic capabilities, the MXE complements your knowledge and helps you advise the designers if a device fails compliance testing. Equip your lab with the MXE—and express your insight.


  • Frequency 20 Hz to 8.4 GHz and 26.5 GHz
  • CISPR, MIL-STD 6 dB, and standard 3 dB resolution bandwidths
  • Quasi-peak, EMI-avg, RMS-avg and diagnostic detectors
  • Extensive diagnostic
  • Meets CISPR 16-1-1 2010 EMI receiver requirements

  • ±0.75 dB absolute amplitude accuracy
  • -167 dBm displayed average noise level (DANL) with preamplifier and noise floor extension
  • Phase noise -106 dBc/Hz 10 kHz offset
EMC Measurements, Diagnostics & Calibration
  • EMC measurement functionality offering real-time detectors, signal lists, scan tables, limit lines, and correction factors
  • Enhanced analysis with Strip Chart, marker functions, span zoom, zone span, and spectrograms
  • SCPI command language compatibility (included standard)
  • A2LA accredited ISO 17025 calibration available to order
Automation & Communication Interface
  • LXI class C compliant, SCPI and IVI-COM
  • USB 2.0, 1000Base-T LAN, GPIB
  • Common X-Series user interface / Open Windows® XP operating system

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