For example: Agilent E4440A or Anritsu 68369
2030G ESD Simulation Test System


Manufactured by: Keytek

Category:Signal Gen/Synthesizers/Sweepers

Keytek 2030G - Signal Gen/Synthesizers/Sweepers

Keytek 2030G Overview

  • Air-Discharge Simulation
    • ESD-1 Discharge: 1 to 25kV, single shot and repetitive (intreval: 10s, 3s, 1s, .05s) Built-in DVM directly measures stored high voltage.
    • DN-10 IEC 61000-4-2 human-body-model Discharge Network
    • DT-1 IEC ball DIscharge Tip
  • Accessories and Power Supply
    • DT-2 Corona and Field-ENhancement Discharge Tip
    • PSC-1 Power Supply/Control Unit
    • CA-1A Carrying Case

The KeyTek 2030G, ESD Simulator Test System, has a wide range of features and available options, it is a versitile and non-obsolescent ESD Simulation System for product designers and manufactures seeking to achieve ongoing market or company-driven quality standards.

The basic system is compromised of two interconnected units: the ESD-1 discharger (or gun) that may be either hand-held or tripod mounted, and its associated Power Supply/Control Unit PSC-1. The ESD-1 Discharger contains a basic handle, polarity switch, hi

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