For example: Agilent E4440A or Anritsu 68369
Cable Cable
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MegaPhase VN26-20 Overview
Long Flexible Cable Set (consists of 2 cables) - 62.9 cm (24.75 in), one cable shall be composed of a 2.4mm female to PSC-3.5mm female connector and the other cable shall be composed of a 2.4mm female to 3.5mm male connector. There is no Y on the cable, these cables are two separate cables.
Cable Frequency: range is dc to 26.5 GHz with a return loss greater than or equal to 16dB.
Insertion loss: 0.31*(f/2) + 0.2, f is frequency in GHz, for the test port connector and 1.8dB at maximum frequency for the device connector.
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