For example: Agilent E4440A or Anritsu 68369
Noise Generator, 2 GHz to 4 GHz, 110 dB attenuator in 1 dB steps (two attenuators)**


Manufactured by: Noise Com

Category:Noise Generator

Noise Com NC6124-02 Overview

110 dB attenuator in 1 dB steps (two attenuators)**Output Characteristics:
-10 Power (dBm)
+-2.0(dB) Flatness

Impedance 50 ohms
Standard output connector type SMA female

Noise Com NC6124-02 Options

option 2 - 110 dB attenuator in 1 dB steps (two attenuators)**

Noise Com NC6124-02 All Available Options Expand

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