For example: Agilent E4440A or Anritsu 68369
Coupling Adapter Model


Manufactured by: NoiseKen

Category:Miscellenious / Other

NoiseKen CA-803A - Miscellenious / Other

NoiseKen CA-803A Overview

The generated pulses are coupled to the EUT power lines through the injection circuit integrated with the INS simulator.  For coupling to all other external interface cables such as communication, signal, I/O, control, this optional item is a must.  As an inductive coupling adapter, which is based on the transformer principle, the circuit in the coupling adaptor works as the primary winding and the cables under test which are surrounded by the adaptor work as the secondary.


  • The user does not need to cut the cable to inject noises to the signal, DC, AC or Ground line of the equipment under test.
  • The user can perform a test for the immunity level of the each part, block, unit or component composing the equipment under test.
  • Direct noise injection into the signal line enabling effective checking of the level of noise immunity.
  • The cable to be tested of up to 15mm in diameter can be put through the CA-803.
  • Input voltage: 2000V max.
  • Input pulse width: 50ns - 1µs
  • Coupling ratio: 1/20 
  • Dimensions: (W)160 x (H) 60 x (D) 35 mm
  • Weight: Approx. 400g

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