For example: Agilent E4440A or Anritsu 68369
Optical Fiber Identifier


Manufactured by: Noyes Instruments

Category:Optical Meters

Noyes Instruments OFI200D - Optical Meters

Noyes Instruments OFI200D Overview

The Noyes Fiber Systems OFI 200D Optical Fiber Identifier is a low cost, hand-held tool designed to non-invasively identify signals in fiber optic cables.

The clamping trigger is ergonomically designed to fit the natural motion of the operator's hand. Front panel LEDs indicate traffic with direction, tone, no signal, and low battery. Additionally, an audible beeper sounds when tone is detected.

The unique head design the OFI 200D is compatible with 250 um, 900 um, ribbon fiber, and 3mm jacketed fiber. No tools or adjustments are required. Using a low insertion loss macro-bending technique, the OFI 200D detects optical signals without interrupting service or damaging the fiber. Comes with a soft carry case and user's guide.

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