For example: Agilent E4440A or Anritsu 68369
Arbitrary Waveform Generators


Manufactured by: Racal Instruments

Category:Function/Arbitrary Waveform Generators

Racal Instruments 3155 - Function/Arbitrary Waveform Generators

Racal Instruments 3155 Overview

Sine, Square, Triangle, Ramp,Arbitrary, and FM Modulation Waveform CapabilitySample Rates Up to 100 MS/s and 2 Mega Samples or Megabytes of Waveform Memory14-bit Resolution for High Dynamic RangeEasy-to-Use WaveCAD 6.0 GUI with C, CVI, C++, and VB Drivers IncludedSequence Generator of Up to 4096 Waveform SegmentsInternal Linear and Log Sweep, and FM Plus External FSK

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