For example: Agilent E4440A or Anritsu 68369
Voice Test Suite, VF TIMS, BERT, RS-232 control


Manufactured by: Sage

Category:Test Set

Sage 935AT - Test Set

Sage 935AT Overview

The 935AT is a multi function portable unit that features a powerful Next Generation Voice Test Suite. It offers a laboratory quality VF TIMS, a full-featured BERT, RS-232 control and a host of other functions as standard equipment.

It comes equipped with common 2-wire and 4-wire analog interfaces as well as a T1 interface with dual direction drop and insert capability and many useful PCM span diagnostics. Access to testing is made easy with the standard MF/DTMF/DP signaling features; and the built in analysis functions make troubleshooting complex signaling problems a lot easier.

The 935AT’s versatile signaling features enable it to simulate, test and monitor at almost any point in a network. It is equally at home at the IAD or gateway, the switch room or PBX closet, the customer or carrier DEMARC, in the lab or on the production floor. Its ability to simulate and monitor both sides of a connection makes it an indispensable troubleshooting tool. Its industry-leading technology has made it a standard lab and development platform throughout the telecom industry.


  • VoP, Voice Quality and Troubleshooting
  • Echo Canceller test & design verification
  • Computer/Internet Telephony Testing
  • Inter-Office Troubleshooting
  • Qualification Testing at Customer Premises
  • OEM Testing in Manufacturing/Production
  • Installed equipment as part of a Test System
  • Laboratory Standard
Basic 935AT Features
  • RS-232 control and printouts
  • Real time clock for time stamping results
  • T1 span status LEDs on the front panel
  • Store and Recall up to 999 test configurations
  • Telset and butt set interfaces enable talk
  • Speaker with volume control

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