For example: Agilent E4440A or Anritsu 68369
TAS 4600A Noise and Interference Emulator

Model:TAS 4600A

Manufactured by: Spirent

Category:Noise [Source/Figure Meter]

Spirent TAS 4600A - Noise [Source/Figure Meter]

Spirent TAS 4600A Overview

The TAS 4600A offers precise noise and interference emulation in the most integrated instrument available for performing co-channel and adjacent channel interference testing. TAS 4600A accurately measures the power of an incoming RF signal, then adds the specified amount of noise (AWGN) or interference to obtain a desired carrier-to-noise (C/N) or carrier-to-interference (C/I) ratio. Precise, accurate control of C/N and C/I are essential to determining the bit-error-rate performance of wireless

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