For example: Agilent E4440A or Anritsu 68369
Data Generator


Manufactured by: Stanford Research Systems

Category:Data Generator

Stanford Research Systems IGC100 - Data Generator

Stanford Research Systems IGC100 Overview

The Stanford Research model IGC100 is a high-accuracy vacuum gauge controller that offers pressure measurement and process automation never before available in a single instrument. It measures pressure from Bayard-Alpert ionization gauges, convection-enhanced Pirani gauges, and capacitance manometers providing uninterrupted pressure readings from 1000 Torr to UHV. The IGC100 has a touchscreen display that can present data in a variety of formats including pressure versus time curves. There are built-in relays for process control, and several multipurpose input/output ports. The IGC100 is also fully web-ready. Now you can monitor and control your vacuum system from the lab, your home, or anywhere in the world.

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