For example: Agilent E4440A or Anritsu 68369
DC Power Supply, 2500 V, 0.01 A, 25 W, Programmable


Manufactured by: Stanford Research Systems

Category:DC Power Supplies

Stanford Research Systems PS325 - DC Power Supplies

Stanford Research Systems PS325 Overview

The PS325 High Voltage Power Supply is a microprocessor-controlled, switching DC power supply. The voltage range is 25 VDC to 2.5 kVDC. It has a maximum output current of 10 mA and a maximum output wattage of 25 watts. The PS325 has 0.001 % regulation and 0.05 % accuracy, and the output voltage can be aadjusted with 1 V resolution over the entire operating range. An IEEE-488 interface is available optionally.

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