For example: Agilent E4440A or Anritsu 68369


Manufactured by: Stanford Research Systems


Stanford Research Systems SIM910 - VXI

Stanford Research Systems SIM910 Overview

The Stanford Reasearch SIM910 is a low-noise, programmable preamplifier which is ideal for a wide range of small signal applications. The low bias current and 100 MTone input impedance of the SIM910, which has a JFET front-end, make it a good choice for use with high impedance sources. This module maintains very low output noise resulting in exceptional overall noise performanceToneeven at low gain levels. The bandwidth of this preamplifier is independent of gain setting so waveforms do not change shape as the gain is varied. Dual parallel outputs (one frontand one rear) provide flexibility in cabling. SIM900 Mainframe Inputs can be configured as differential (A-B), single-ended (A), or internally grounded, and can be either AC or DC coupled. Additionally, the BNC input shields can be floated, avoiding spurious ground loops when measuring remote signals.

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