400MHz 4CH Oscilloscope Analog
Tektronix 2465BDV Overview
Tektronix 2465BDV Performance Characteristics:
Form Factor: Benchtop
Bandwidth: 400 MHz
Rise time: 875 ps
Number of Channels: 4 ch
Min. Vertical Sensitivity: 2 mV/div
Maximum Vertical Sensitivity: 5 V/div
Vertical(or Deflection Factor): Accuracy 2 %
Input Coupling: AC,DC,GND
Input Impedance: 1 MOhm
Input Impedance (alternate): 50 Ohm
Maximum Input Voltage: 400 V(dc+p
Maximum Input#2 (for Impedance #2): 5 Vrms
Main time base - lowest: 10 ns/div
Main time base - highest: 500 ms/div
B Sweep Time Base (low): 10 ns/div
B Sweep Time Base (high): 50 ms/div
Time base Magnification factor (X?): x10
Timebase accuracy: 0.7 %
Trigger Source: External,Internal
Display Type: Color CRT
Display Size: 13 cm
Tektronix 2465BDV Measurements/Features:
Minimum Signal Amplifiction
Pulse Width
Duty Cycle
Rise Time
Fall Time
Time Interval
Jitter Error
Offset Error
Tektronix 2465BDV All Available Options 
01 |
05 |
Video Trigger |
09 |
Counter/Timer/Trigger and Word Recognizer |
10 |
IEEE GPIB Interface |
22 |
Two Additional Matching Probes (P6137) |
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