For example: Agilent E4440A or Anritsu 68369
9kHz - 1.8GHz Spectrum Analyzer


Manufactured by: Tektronix

Category:Spectrum Analyzers

Tektronix 2711 - Spectrum Analyzers

Tektronix 2711 Overview

2707 * 2711/2712 Opt. 04 * 2711/2712/2715 Opt. 05


  • 2707 External Tracking Generator (271X Opt. 05) for 2711 and 2712 (Must be Used for Tracking Generator Capability with 2712 Opt. 12 or 14) and 2714/2715
  • Internal Tracking Generator for 2711 and 2712 (Opt. 04)
  • Swept Measurements 100 kHz to 1.8 GHz
  • Output from -48 dBm to 0 dBm (-1.2 dBmV to 46.8 dBmV) in 0.1 dB Steps
  • Easy to Operate
  • Frequency Offset Capability


  • CATV - Check Filters, Amplifiers and Cables
  • EMI - Site Attenuation Tests, Filter Design, Isolation Checks and Verifying
  • Cable Flatness
  • Broadcast - Check Traps and Filters
  • Communications Radio Maintenance - Tune Duplexers, Check Antennas

    Internal and External Tracking Generators

    Characterize filters, check duplexers or cables, make frequency response, SWR measurements (with a return-loss bridge), EMI site attenuation tests - all this and much more. The 2707, 2711/2712 Option 04 (internal) and 2711/2712/2715 Option 5 (external) tracking generator systems provide swept measurements from 100 Hz to 1.8 GHz and at least 100 dB dynamic range to see filter, ultimate rejection or circuit isolation characteristics.

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