For example: Agilent E4440A or Anritsu 68369
9kHz - 1.8GHz Spectrum Analyzer


Manufactured by: Tektronix

Category:Spectrum Analyzers

Tektronix 2712 - Spectrum Analyzers

Tektronix 2712 Overview

The Tektronix 2712 Used Spectrum Analyzer has a straightforward human interface, with conveniently grouped, dedicated front-panel keys and simple, menu-driven functions makes the Tektronix 2712 Spectrum Analyzereasy to learn and use. You can set frequency, span and reference level directly from the front panel.

The 2712 provides excellent RF performance, a built-in frequency counter, full programmability, digital and true analog displays, high portability, enough nonvolatile memory for 108 saved displays. A real-time clock provides an on-screen date and time display, plus date/time stamp capability for waveform printouts.

Frequency-corrected tuning and phaselock stabilization enhance the ability to resolve close-in signals and reliably demodulate narrowband signals. Sensitivity up to -127 dBm (-80 dBmV) at 300 Hz resolution bandwidth (RBW) lets you see weak signals.

The built-in preamp can improve sensitivity another 12 dB, up to -139 dBm (-92 dBmV). Up to 80 dB on-screen dynamic range ensures visibility of weak signals in the presence of strong ones.

A 300 Hz RBW filter with a shape factor <7:1 means you'll see many close-in sidebands and spurious or unexpected signals you might otherwise miss.

At the other end of the spectrum the 5 MHz RBW filter is useful when demodulating wideband signals such as actively modulated video carriers.

The built-in signal counter, with 0.5 ppm ±10 Hz accuracy, offers added power for rapidly identifying signals. The capability to choose between digital and true analog displays lets you examine signals for characteristics that are not visible on digital-only displays.

Applications for the Tektronix 2712 include:

  • Broadcast Transmitter Performance
  • Communications System Operations
  • EMC Prequalification Testing
  • Specifications:

  • High Value, Low Cost
  • 5 x 10-7 Frequency Accuracy
  • Sensitivity to -139 dBm (-92 dBmV) with Built-in Preamp
  • Internal Frequency Counter
  • 4 Trace Digital Plus True Analog Display
  • 124 K of RAM
  • Easy to Use
  • Dedicated Numeric Keypad Plus Logically Grouped Menu Keys
  • Powerful Built-in Measurement Routines
  • LEMC Measurements with Optional Quasi-peak Detector
  • Swept Measurements to 1.8 GHz with Optional Internal or External Tracking Generator
  • UL Listed 1244, Certified CSA C22.2 No. 231-M89
  • Tektronix 2712 All Available Options Expand

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