For example: Agilent E4440A or Anritsu 68369
Arbitrary Function Gen. 240 MHz 2CH


Manufactured by: Tektronix

Category:Function Generators

Tektronix AFG3252 - Function Generators

Tektronix AFG3252 Overview

Unmatched performance, versatility, intuitive operation and affordability make the AFG3000 Series of Function, Arbitrary Waveform and Pulse Generators the most useful instruments in the industry. Users can choose from 12 different standard waveforms. Arbitrary waveforms can be generated up to 128 K in length at high sampling rates. On pulse waveforms, leading and trailing edge time can be set independently. External signals can be connected and added to the output signal. Dual channel models can generate two identical or completely different signals. All instruments feature a highly stable time base with only ±1 ppm drift per year.

  • 25 MHz, 100 MHz or 240 MHz Sine Waveforms
  • 14 bits, 250 MS/s, 1 GS/s, or 2 GS/s Arbitrary Waveforms
  • 5.6 Display for Full Confidence in Settings and Waveform Shape
  • Multi-language and Intuitive Operation Saves Set-up Time
  • Pulse Waveform with Variable Edge Times
  • AM, FM, PM, FSK, PWM
  • Sweep and Burst
  • Dual Channel Models Save Cost and Bench Space
  • USB Connector on Front Panel for Waveform Storage on Memory Device
  • USB, GPIB and LAN
  • Tektronix AFG3252 All Available Options Expand

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