For example: Agilent E4440A or Anritsu 68369
Optical Power Meters
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Thor Labs PM30-140 Overview
The PM30-140 Series incorporates Integrating Sphere Sensors to enable precise measurements that are widely independent of beam shape and entrance angle. It is especially useful for measuring highly divergent beams emitted from optical fibers or beams with higher power (up to 1W). The sensors are available for a wavelength range of 400-1700nm and for a power range of 1?W to 1W. The unit is supplied with an FC fiber adapter. Most industry standard fiber adapters, including FC, SC, SMA, and bare fiber, are also available as accessories.
- Power Range: 1µW - 1W
- Wavelength Range: 400 - 1100nm (PM30-140) or 800-1700nm (PM30-144)
- FC Fiber Adapter Included, Other Adapters Available as Accessories: S140-SC & S140-SMA
- NIST traceable Data Stored in Sensor Head
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