For example: Agilent E4440A or Anritsu 68369
Microwave Antenna Path Alignment Test Set


Manufactured by: XL Microwave

Category:Test Set

XL Microwave 2200 - Test Set

XL Microwave 2200 Overview

The Path Align-R test set is a complete test solution designed to quickly and accurately optimize the transmission path (link) between two microwave antenna sites. Two battery-operated Path Align-Rs, one for each tower, are used for the alignment. Each test set drives its respective antenna directly, while receiving the signal from the other test set, simultaneously. Both units indicate the received path loss, in dB, with 0.1 dB resolution (to -100 dB sensitivity). The Path Align-R provides duplex voice communications over the antenna link, using the include headset, allowing two technicians to communicate with each other

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