TC120: 2 GHz model w/ Channel C input
Yokogawa 704112 Overview
.Yokogawa 704112 Performance Characteristics:
Form Factor: Benchtop
Number of Channels: 3 ch
Minimum Frequency, Ch. 1: 1 Hz
Maximum Frequency, Ch. 1: 120 MHz
Sensitivity, Channel 1: 50 mVrms
Maximum Input Voltage, Ch. 1: 250 V
Input Impedance, Ch.1: 500 kOhm
Input Attenuation, Ch 1: x1,x10,x100
Input Coupling, Ch 1: AC,DC
Minimum Frequency, Ch. 2: 100 MHz
Maximum Frequency, Ch. 2 : 2 GHz
Sensitivity, Channel 2: 22.3606797749979 mV
Input Impedance, Ch. 2: 50 Ohm
Input Attenuation, Ch 2: x1
Input Coupling, Ch 2: AC
External Time base reference: 10 MHz Yokogawa 704112 Measurements/Features:
Resolution of 8 digits/sec
Single-shot resolution 10 ns
Fully GP-IB programmable
Convenient AUTO trigger
Digit masking function
Scaling function
Gate signal input on channel B
D/A output (optional)
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