For example: Agilent E4440A or Anritsu 68369
Keithley Instruments 2790-A
DMM/Precision Data Acquisition System, 1 High Voltage Card and 1MOhms

Manufacturer: Keithley Instruments
Keithley Instruments 2790-H
DMM/Precision Data Acquisition System, 1 High Voltage Card

Manufacturer: Keithley Instruments
Keithley Instruments 2790-HH
DMM/Precision Data Acquisition System, 2 High Voltage Card

Manufacturer: Keithley Instruments
Keithley Instruments 2790-HL
DMM/Precision Data Acquisition System, 1 High Voltage Card and 1 Low Voltage Car

Manufacturer: Keithley Instruments
Keithley Instruments 2790-L
DMM/Precision Data Acquisition System, 1 Low Voltage Car

Manufacturer: Keithley Instruments
Keysight / Agilent 34812A
Use the Agilent BenchLink Meter to create graphs and crunch numbers, with data from the Agilent 34401A multimeter, Agilent 53131/2A universal counters and Agilent 53181A RF counter

Manufacturer: Keysight / Agilent
BK Precision 367A
AC/DC Multifunction True RMS Current Clamp Meter, 2000A

Manufacturer: BK Precision
BK Precision 369B
AC/DC Multifunction True RMS Current Clamp Meter, 1000A

Manufacturer: BK Precision